Lana Grossa

Issue 18

Favorite sweaters are like best friends

What are the qualities of a great friendship? You love to hang out with one another and meet up regularly at the local bar, you understand each other without saying a word, as you’ve known each other forever. When things go badly you know can turn up at their front door without having called first.

With your favorite sweaters it’s similar. They are more than just any old sweater or jacket. You have an emotional attachment to them, they are something familiar, tried and trusted, a reliable companion, they have got you through a change in job, a marital crisis, just what you would expect from your best buddy.

When choosing your companion, you need to pay particular attention to the quality of wool, opt for a high-quality yarn that washes well, has a perfect cut and color, and most of all; you can still love in what feels like a hundred years’ time. In our new Classici magazine, you will find 10 sweater designs, all competing to take a new 1st place in your wardrobe favorites list.

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